You're watching CETV-21
9:00 am
Science How? Webinar - Fossil Leaves and Ancient Atmospheres
10:00 am
Science How? Webinar - Living and Fossil Ostracodes with Paleontologist Gene Hunt
10:50 am
Science How? Webinar - What's a Lichen
1:00 pm
Science How? Webinar - Feather Identification
2:00 pm
Science How? Webinar - Deep Ocean Discovery - Octopods and Squids
4:00 pm
Science How? Webinar - What Makes Fish so Fishy with Adela Roa-Varón
4:55 pm
Science How? Webinar - Cicadas and the Brood X Emergence
5:57 pm
Science How? Webinar - Handing It to the Mammals: What Anatomy Reveals About Animal Adaptations
See the entire schedule